{URL} https://data.telegram.wiki/tl_about_templates.txt {COMMENT} This is a template file. You can use as many different files as you like. Put all of them in the /TEMPLATES folder. TSupport will automatically load all your template files on startup. You can reload templates from the main menu, without restarting. To use templates, just open a chat and hit the Tab key to open the template browser, type your query (e.g.: hi) and tap "Enter" to add the text to your input field. You can then edit it or send it right away. Each Template has several parts. - QUESTION is the unique identifier of the template. - KEYS lists the shortcuts that bring the template to life. - VALUE can contain the text to be inserted, but it also supports photos, files and contacts - See examples below. - COMMENT fields are ignored by TSupport. Template files can also have a URL tag (must always be the first tag in the file). TSupport automatically downloads new versions of the URL templates from the server when there was an update. When the file is updated, only the VALUE is changed for existing QUESTIONS from the old template file. This way you can be sure that you always keep your custom KEYS. Here's a couple of sample templates, you can try them in your TSupport client. {QUESTION} How does a text template look? {COMMENT} Extra info about this template {KEYS} txt {VALUE} Here's a simple text template. Easy!